Family hope program (PKH), a conditional cash transfers (CCT)-basedprogram in education and health, has been launched by the Government ofIndonesia since 2007 in 348 sub-districts of 48 regencies/cities in 7provinces, but its impact on the reduction of poverty and improvement ofpoor human resources has not been evaluated. This study evaluates initialimpact of the PKH on the utilization of preve…
A study is to know the efficiency and effectiveness of the new family planninginformation system that has been socialized since 2007. To comparewith the previous information system, this study was conducted in fourprovinces i.e., DKI Jakarta, Lampung, Central Kalimatan, and Bali. In eachprovince two districts were randomly selected, and from each selected districttwo health centers were then ra…
Latar belakang : GiZi /mmk berkaiftm dengan tinggil!)'tl eematian bqyi dan balita. UNICEF fIIeiaporkan, seba'!)'tlk 30.000 ken/(Itian /Ja)'i di Indonesia dan 10 jll/a keflltlti([ll oflflk balita di dunia pada liap ta/;unlrytl, bisa dicega/; tIIelaili; pell/beri/III Air SUSJI Ib" (A5/) sect/m eksklJlsif. N(III!1(f/, kesadamn ibn un/Ilk 1IIIIIIk memberiean AS! eksklllsif di INdonesia bare sebesar…
Aim To investigate whether normotensive young adults with family history of hypertension demonstrate exaggerated cardiovascular responses to both mental and physical stimuli as compared to normotensive young adults without family history of hypertension. Methods Normotensive undergraduate students of normotensive parents (n = 40) and of hypertensive father/ mother/both (n = 40), aged 20 – 30 …
In February to March 2008, Bali was shocked by the outbreak of diarrhea in Karangasem District, BaiL It was recorded that 600 people were having diarrhea and 5 people were died due to the disease. This outbreak was the first time happened in Bali and the causing pathogen was not yet identified. The aim of this study was to identify the causing pathogen of diarrhea in the outbreak case in Karang…
The general objective of the study is known the relationship between family health task with efforts of prevention the risk of falls in older at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya. The study was cross sectional analytic design, where the population is all the families in which there are elderly at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya. The population are 150 people. The sample are selected by simple r…
Abstrae: Violence at thefamily members asa part of humanity crime wich is contradict with the human right principle. The data of Komnas(National Commission) on children protection on span from January untill June 2008, recordednot less than 21.872 cases happening where children were victims of psichis and physical violence. Along with 12. 726 cases children were also victim of sexual errorin th…
Abstract. Families economic status is the societies stratification or rank by measuring the societiesfamilies demographic condition being related to their monthly-routine expenses. It is in relation to their economic restrictions which mean being unable to buy good quality foodstuff, so that the families members nutrition [ulfillment will also be disturbed. This research aims to know the relati…