Isolation method to obtain pure BMVECs is hard to be done consistently and remains a challenge. In this study, we isolated BMVECs from Wistar rat and C571B16 mouse from Japan SLC. All procedures performed according to guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals of Gunma University, Japan. The modification of isolation method was using bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradation, not Dextran-…
Perilaku kekerasan pada pasien gangguan jiwa yang tidak ditangani secra efektif dapat berakibat fatal bagi klien maupun orang lain disekitarnya. Intervensi keperawatan yang tepat sangat efektif mencegah dan mengurangi dampak perilaku kekerasan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan assertive training. Assertive training merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegaha…
Brain abscess is a rare and dangerous condition in infants, usually solitary and need surgical intervention. A case of multiple brain abscesses are very eare in the pediatric age-group and surgical drainage is lifesaving. This is a report of one case of multiple brain abscesses in a 30 days –old baby who presented with seizures and enlargement of head with history of umbilical infection (omph…
Migraine is one of the most prevalent disorders seen in clinical practice today and also a major cause of disability in the workplase. The prevalence of migraine is highest during the years of peak productivity, ie. Between the ages of 25 and 55years. The triptams are a group of selective 5-hydroxtriptamine (HT), serotonin receptor agonists that activate the 5-HT receptor and possibly also the …
Strokes lead to death or permanent disabilities for mellions for millions of people year when an interrruption of the flow of blood to brain cells deprives then of vital oxygen and nutrients. Deprivation of oxygen and nutrients. Deprivation on oxygen and nutrients results in a series in a sries of biochemical events, leading eventuall to cell death and often devestating functional neurological …
Faraogenomi bertujuan untuk mengoptiasi strategi pengobatan dengan memperhatikan factor genetic dan epigenetic pasien. Hipermetilasi promoter adalah proses epigenetic yang menghambat eksprei gen. Hipermetilasi gen MGMT terjadi di sekitar 30-40% pasien glioblastoma. Tindakan bedah yang dikuti dengan kombinasi oabt Temozolomide (obat sitotoksik yng meng-alkilasi DNA) dan terapi radiasi merupakan …