Obtaining valid information on past exposures from personal interview may be difficult. The role of experts such as industrial hygienists or agronomists in estimating pesticide exposures could improve the validity of data. The aims of this study are to compare occupational pesticides exposures determined by self-reports and experts, and to examine the discrepancies pattems of exposure ratings o…
Abstrak. Pelayanan Laboratoriurn Patoiogi Klinik di rumah sakit merupakan pelayanan yang perlu memperhatikan secara khusus mengenai K3RS oleh karena mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Pekerja di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik harus selalu mempelajari dan mendeteksi setiap kemungkinan timbul risiko kecelakaan kerja, harus senantiasa meningkatkan kesadaran dan kedisiplinan d…
Influenza A/HeN1 virus is a major cause of epidemic influenza in poultry in Indonesia since 2003. Furthermore,Influenza A/H5N1 is considered to threat human health when the human first case was detected in Indonesia in July 2005 and until May 2008, the number of human cases is increasing. The study to determine risk factor of exposure to influenza A/H5N1 virus in collector-house workers was con…
Anemia among workersis still a major problem in Indonesia that could reduce the productivity. It is cused by many factors for intances insufficiency of iron intake, iron absorption disorder, less variation on diet, diseas, disease and socio-economic condition. The aims of this study are collecting information on prevalence of anemia as well as risk factor associated with anemia among workers at…
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a disorder caused of medianus narve entromen in carpal tunnel in the wrist and give many symptoms as pain, numbness and hyperesthesia at nerve medianus area CTS is related to repetitive biomechanical movement in hand at work. The scope of this study was development of an educational model to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome among workers at several garment factorie…
This investigation was aimed at understanding the impacts of particulate pollution on factory workers at production units especially at raw maternal transfer. Data were gathered through observations, interviews and measurements. Description of the various risk factors and disease causes were made trough analytical observations. Measurements were performed to quantify pollution particulate matte…