Appropriateness in admission represent quality of medical services.Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP) is protocol that used toevaluate inpatient admission according to medical indications. The researchSistem Informasi Admisi Pasien Membantu KetepatanPengambilan Keputusan Admisi PasienAdmission Information System Helps The Appropriateness Decision Makingon Patient AdmissionMahalul Azam, A…
The aim of this article is to evaluate problem related to the development of the mortality system in sentinel mortality sites (Metro city and Gorontalo District 2007-2008). Since 2006, NIHRD has established sentinel site for special surveillance of mortality in some cities and districts in some provinces.The death data sources orisinaled from the trained personnel performing detail interviews (…
Valid data and inforrnafion'are critical for any health programs, in particular for planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes. District Health Information System is designed to produce routine data on process and output type of indicators at district level. This study, taking place at Deli Serdang and Sumedang districts, has its objectives as to leam abeut the current practice of DHIS, speci…