Abstrak. Lycopene adalah jenis karotenoid yang memiliki 40 atom karbon sebagai rantai hidrokarbon terbuka yang mengandung ikatan ganda 11 terkonjugasi dan 2 non terkonjugasi dalam struktur linear. Sumber utama lycopene adalah buah-buah warna merah dan sayuran. Lycopene dilaporkan berkontribusi mencegah kerusakan oksidatif dan mengurangi resiko kanker dan penyakit jantung koroner. Jenis pene…
Beberapa tahun terakhir banyak penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat penggunaan probiotik untuk pencegahan maupun untuk pengobatan. Salah satu penggunaan probiotik adalah dalam pengobatan diare. Penggunaan probiotik tersebut berdasarkan respon imun yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh probiotik baik di dalam mukosa usus maupun di sel-sel mononukklear . Penelitian ini bertujuan …
Background: This study was aimed to evaluate the structural changes of the ventricular myocardium in a physiological hypertrophic heart model due to long term aerobic and anaerobic physical training and detraining. Methods: In-vivo experimental study on Wistar rats (8 weeks old), weighing 150-250 grams who were divided into 3 large groups: control group, aerobic exercise group and anaerobi…
Corpus luteum is a transient endocrine gland and its presence plays pivotal role in ovulation process, implantation, and luteinization.The regression of corpus luteum or luteolysis is actually ne eded for next cycle survival and playing a role in roviding new follicles. Luteal regression represents a broad definition of the rocess of demise of the corpus luteum that is capable of accommodatin…
Human embryonic stem cell has been used extensively in research; it has certain advantagecompared to animal stem cell, but application in clinical setting is ethically problematik.Nuclear reprogramming attempt to produce pluripotent cells made a breakhrough by the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells from adult somatik cells. Transfection of 4 transcription factors Oct3/4.c-Myc . Sox2 an…
The conventional method of mononuclear cells (MNCs) isolation from human umbilical cord blood (UCB) yielded high erythrocyte contamination level. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the differences of cell viability and erythrocyte contamination on the population of UCB MNCs in our modified isolation method. This study was also aimed to test the function and characteristic of human M…