Stigma attached to leprosy affected individuals is one of the strongest stigma of diseases. Depression is often occurred to many lepers. Stigma and depression are two factors which affect the quality of life of the lepers. To determine whether stigma and depression affect the quality of life of leprosy patients in Dermatovenereology outpatient clinic at RSUP Dr. Sardjito Hospital It was a quant…
The research about cancer patients quality of life on before and after therapy of high emetogenic cytotostatic in RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta by EORTC QLQ_C30 has been done. This research used cohort design with cancer patients who just the first time received cisplatin ≥ 50 mg/m2 and or its combination, and alsogot ondansetron-dexamethasone as anti-emetics. While the patients were given EOR…
Anemia is a very common disorder both in clinical practice and in the community. The recent rice in the population of the elderly has become the focus of attention in developing countrie, because of the increasing longevity of the elderly, whitst the prevalence of anamia increases with age. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and its association with the qualit…
Obesity in may countries is a major public health problem. The health problems associated with in increase in the proportion of elderly in the population are further compunded by the increasing prevalence of obesity and overwight in older people . The aimed of this study was to explore any difference of quality of life (QOL)attributable body mass index (BMI) categories using the WHOQL-BREF inst…
Not many studies explored the quality of life (QOL) of adolescence as one of the health status indication. Their Morbidity and behavior problem received more attention. Futhermore, most health variable were treated as dependent variable, influenced by other condition, such as economic status, education or employmen status. This analysis used different approach which treated the QOL, of the anal…
Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopicus are know as the vector of dengue and chikungunya. The breeding habitat of dengue vector Aedes, were studied using larva collection method inside and outside houses in Pondok Aren and Curug sub district in Tangerang area (as zone 1), Kebayoran Baru and Kebayoran Lama in Jakarta Selatan area (as zone II) and in Bekasi Timur, Cibitung and Tambun sub districts in Be…
To improve the HRQOL of type 2 diabtes patients with health education and identify factors which may be associated with the QOL to decrease the complications of them. The subyects in the present study were type 2 diabetes patients with range 25-75 years old. Hundred and twenty individuals were randomly selected from the list of the referee patients of the Diabetic Research patients of Yazd. Th…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. An importance factor in exercise limitation is ventilator is ventilator disturbance because of airflow limitation and increase work of breathing in the diaphragm. Respiratory muscle dysfunction contribute to dyspnoea and the onset of hypercapnea. This reduction in peripheral and res…