High Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is accompanied by the ever increasing incience of preeklampsia and LBW over the years. According to medical records obtained from RSD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan in 2005 the number of live birth was 708 where 207 of them (29.23%) were LBW babies and in 2006 the number of live birth was 633 and 161 (25,43%) of them was are Lbw babies. The above data concl…
Babies classified as LBW (Low birth weight) have their weights at birth equals to or less than 2.500 grams. LBW is one of the factors attributable to perinatal deaths caused by hypothermia, asphyxia and pneumonic aspiration. One of the triggering factors for the occurreances are deliveries by mothers as risky ages (≤20 years). The study was aimed at understanding the extent of relationship be…
Bayi berat lahir Rendah (BBLR) or Low Birth Weight (LBW) wan one of cases that caused the infant’s mortality, and still be a health’s problem in many countries. It been connected with the period ofgestation and maternal’s health, and other factors. This study learned about the risks of infant low level’s weight determined by social, economic, and demography’s factors. This study analy…
Almost 16% from all of the total births in the developing countries are low birthweight babies. Low birthweight babies are an important contribution in neonatal mortality and morbidity worldwide, and contribute to almost 70% f the total neonatal deaths. Proportion of the low birthweight babies in the developing countries is 90% of the total low birthweight babies around the world, which is 20 m…
The association between maternal oral hygiene and dingivitis to pretern low birth weight in Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang. Poor oral hygiene can cause infection in teeth or periodontium tissue as gingivitis and periodontitis. Infection may spreal systemically and increase proinflammatory mediators that lead to PLBW. The aim of this study is to know that oralhygiene and gingivitis among pregnan…