penelitian ini bertujuan diketahuinya tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa atas kualitas pelayanan pendidikan di poltekkes kemenkes surabaya. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. populasinya adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester empat di poltekkes kemenkes surabaya dengan target populasi 880 mahasiswa. sedangkan sampelnya adalah sebagian dari populasi terseb…
Safe delivery is a process of discharging viable conception product through normal delivery pathway with aids of appropriate delivery assistant. There are important factors to be observed in order to accomplish a safe, healthy and swift delivery. One of the important factors in a delivery process was the delivery assistant (www.wipedi org). The problem addressed by this study was the somewhat …
High Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is accompanied by the ever increasing incience of preeklampsia and LBW over the years. According to medical records obtained from RSD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan in 2005 the number of live birth was 708 where 207 of them (29.23%) were LBW babies and in 2006 the number of live birth was 633 and 161 (25,43%) of them was are Lbw babies. The above data concl…