Postpartum bleeding is the important cause in maternal death case, especially in developing countries. Bleeding which cause rapid lost of blood occurred due to atonia, where there is no soft uterus contraction. One effort to overcome atonia utery bleeding is by performing uterus massage, but if the bleeding cannot be stopped, bimanual internal compression should be initiated. The aim of this re…
Maternal Morality Rate (MR) in Indonesia remained high. The SDKI surveys (Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indoneia) in 2002-2003), the MMR increased from 334 to 307 per 100.00 of the life births. More than 90% of death were caused by obstetric complications, which could not be predicted during pregnancy. This was an analytical study after a gross-sectional design on 34 mothers, which was a total pop…
To Observe the efficacy and safety of Polygeline colloid (Haemaccel® in adduls with stage 1-11 of dengue hemorrhage fever (DHF). On open, non-comparative clinical trial. The subjects were male or female between 17-55 years old, who fulfilled the criteria of stage 1 or of DHF according to WHO and selected with consecutive sampling. Fluid treatments were given following this protocol polygeline…
Due to the high incidence of prolonged delivery (22.4%) at RSUD Kabupaten Pamekasan hospital in 2006, this investigation is aimed at studying the causes of prolonged delivery service process among mothers. This study followed an observational descriptive design and was exercised on medical records on prolonged delivery in the months of January through December 2006. Prolonged delivery is a comm…