Diare akut adalah diare yang berlangsung ≤ 14 hari. Penyebab diare akut dapat berupa infeksi ataupun noninfeksi noninfeksi. Secara patofisiologi, diare akut dapat dibagi menjadi diare inflamasi dan nonininflamasi. Berbagai patogen spesifik dapat menimbulkan diare akut diperlukan anamnesis., pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang yang sesuai. Tetapi terpenting pada diare akut adalah rehi…
To Observe the efficacy and safety of Polygeline colloid (Haemaccel® in adduls with stage 1-11 of dengue hemorrhage fever (DHF). On open, non-comparative clinical trial. The subjects were male or female between 17-55 years old, who fulfilled the criteria of stage 1 or of DHF according to WHO and selected with consecutive sampling. Fluid treatments were given following this protocol polygeline…