The objective of this study was to proof that pregnancy with low sociaeconomic status using elevation haemoglobin and hematocrit as parameter is one of predisposition factor of severe preeclamsia. The study was done in the Departement of Obstetry and Gynecology of Moewardi Hoapital in Surakarta. The design was a pospective observational study prospective with cross sectioal aproach. These are 2…
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of tempeh on hemoglobin level of rabbits. A number of 34 male rabbits age 8 weeks were used as animal model. Those rabbits were divided into two groups of 17. Subsequently, those groups were rondomized to be the tempeh group and soybean group. All rabbits were given a standard ration for two weeks during the adaptation period, The adapted…
Chemotherapy result at lung cancer patient often be minimized by hematology imbalance during therapy period. Erythropoientin (EPO) and interleukin IL-3 were important for making red blood cell. White blood cell and platelets cell. This research was done to se whether EPO and IL-3 at lung cancer patient serum could be prediction factor for anemia caused by chemotherapy. The objective of this st…
Role laundry unit at hospital is very important mean in suppoting service to patient. Environmental danger work in laundry unit can be in the form of the psychosocial danger that is work stress. High temperature in workroom can result the employees feel hot and weaken quickening incidence of fatique, despitefully level of hemoglobin influence to health very harming because it can decreasing of …
A study on the association of haemoglobin content and neonatal birth weight was done in Fatmawati Hospital on August - September 1994. The criteria for the subjects were : fulterm pregnancies for single neonates, in labor at the Fatmawati Hospital between August - September 1994. Anemia was defined as Hb less than 11 gr percent. The number of subjects studied was 120. Results showed that the pr…