ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut) adalah (Acute Respiratory Infection) salah satu penyakit utama pada anak. Pada umumnya perilaku pencarian pengobatan untuk ISPA berakhir dengan penggunaan obat. Efikasi obat tidak hanya merupakan pengetahuan medis tetapi merupakan konstruksi budaya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana obat diinterpretasikan oleh orang awam di wilayah kumuh perkot…
Background: ILI surveillance in Indonesia has been conducted since 2006, but no data on the bacteria can be detected and caused ILI has been obtained. Method: From March to December 2012, Center for Research on Biomedic and Basic Health Technology’s laboratory was receiving throat and nose swab specimens from nine Public Health Centers appointed as the sentinels for ILI surveillance. Thes…
Background: Poor environmental sanitation affects the spread of disease Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). ln the Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) data Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) asked without known cause. The aim of this paper is to describe of the relationship raising poultry as one of environmental sanitation variables with the incidence of ARI in high prevalence provinces in lndonesi…
Background: Lung is vital organ related to air environment outside body. Generally, hajj pilgrim has frequent respiratory problem when they stay during hajj session. The aim of the study is to know the relation between pulmonary function test and common respiratory sign. Methods: Analytic prospective study were done. The population in this study were hajj pilgrims registered in Padang in 2008…
Acute Upper Respiratory Infection (Penyakit infeksi saluran pernapasan akut, ISPA) remains the primary health problem in the community. Especially in the operational area of Puskesmas KebonDesa Keboan at kecamatan Ngusikan Kabupaten Jombang. The Problem accounted for 2,187 cases or 10.09% of the population. The study was aimed at understanding the impact of particulate pollution and the use of …
Tuberculosis (TB) is the single most infectious disease, kllling millions of people globally. Conventional modalities for Tb detection many times the disease is diagnosed at delayed stage and can not use for deep seated infection. Therefore, research and development of 99mtTc-ethambutol to detect and locate TB at an early stage in any anatomical site have been conducted and locate BATAM Bandung…