Gangguan Depresi Mayor (GDM) merupakan gangguan mood yang dikaitkan dengan mortalitas., morbiditas, dan disabilitas yang signifikan. Antidepresan merupakan lini pertama pengobatan GDM antidepresan cukup banyak tersedia, duapertiga pasien tidak mencapai remisi setelah pemberian satu jenis antidepresan dengan durasi dan dosisyang adekuat. Bahkan, beberapa pasien tidak mencapai remisi meskipun tel…
Pain is a multidimensional sensory experience that is notpleasant, complex health problems, and one of the main reasons for someone to come to seek medical help. Pain, physically and emotionally q,re in the same neurobiological pathway, so it is necessary for chronic pain management therapy that is integrated. Logoterapi expected to influence the factors that can modulate pain and improve patie…
Depression is a big problem that has medical, social, and economic consequences. This cause suffering for patients and their family, make the medical condition worse and need expensive support system. Prevalence of depression in Indonesian society is quite high, ranging from 5-10%, two times more women than men, and this will increase by approximately 5-10% per year. The condition of depression…
Abstract, It's random teenagers pregnancy, specially pregnancy before marriage or pregnancy that's we don't want is the most sexuality problems that's we can find from teenagers. Teenagers whose have pregnant before marriage have seriously psicology effect, look likes felt guilty, depression, angry and agretion. The purpose of this research to know abaut the depression that's girl teenagers who…
Despression is frequently comorbid with disease-chronic physical illness. This condition increases the burden of disease to both the individual and his family. The main objective of this study was to understand the relationship between depression and chronic physical illness. This study was a secondary data analysis derived from National Health Survey or Survei Kesehatan Nasional (Surkesnas) 20…
Preliminary observation on 8 respondents aged 3-6 years old revealed that 4 children (50%) acompanied by their parents during IV fitting showed more cooperative attitudes, while the other 4 children (50%) not accompenied by their parents exhibted less cooperative behavior. This study was aimed at stdying the impats of parent accompaniment during IV fitting on children’s level of anxiety. This…
During post-partum transitional period, some psychological and physiological changes occur. Mothers reaction toward such changes depends a lot on what has been done during the preparatory period. The study was aimed at knowing the relationship between factors such as age, parity and education with occurrence of post-partum depression. The study was conducted in analytical cross-sectional study …
This study aims at finding out the relation between daily life activities and senior group citizen depression in senior Citizen Home of “Wana Seraya” Denpasar. This is analytical study and the design applied was non experimental “Correlation study” with Cross Sectional subject approach and the total sample of this study were 44 respondents. From the result of “Rank Spearman’s non pa…
Low back pain and depression as health problem for the public community and often hapaned to the productive age people with heavy physical work and elderly people. Both can be influeancing and making worse each other. Usually LBP appreared first before depression. LBP and depression defecfed to the productivity, also in daily activity and increased health budget twice. In England at 2003, absen…