Uterine myoma is a benign tumor from uterine myometrial layer. One of the complaints are caused by uterine myoma is abnormal bleeding which includes hipermenorea and menometroragia. Bleeding can cause many severe anemia because of blood shortages. In Indonesia in 2003, myoma uteri was found from 2.39 to 11.7% in all gynecologic patients. Based on data in 2009 data in Gynecology Ginic Dr. soetom…
Rash that happened at skin closed by napkin is one of skin disparity at baby skin as result of too long contact between wet napkin or disposible diaper. The usage of napkin and disposlble diaper can cause skin irritation at skin that closed by napkin so the baby has potency to suffer the napkin rash. Disposlble diaper consisted of inner filtering layer; intermediate layer can absorb the dilutio…
Preliminary observation on 8 respondents aged 3-6 years old revealed that 4 children (50%) acompanied by their parents during IV fitting showed more cooperative attitudes, while the other 4 children (50%) not accompenied by their parents exhibted less cooperative behavior. This study was aimed at stdying the impats of parent accompaniment during IV fitting on children’s level of anxiety. This…