Obstruction of the urinary tract has marked effects on renal blood flow glomerular filtration rate (GFR). And tubular function. Ureteral obstruction results in an injury response that can progress to irreversible renal fibrosisand tubular damage by apoptosis. Forty five rabbits aged 13-17 weeks with body weights of 1250-1750 grams were devided into 4 groups. Group 1 underwent a sham operation a…
Hypertension is a chronic, degenerative cardiovascular disease, which incidence augment steadily from year to another year. Without sufficient treatment, the disease become chronic and worst. The exactly cause of hypertension remains unclear. However, it might be due to microvascularization interference in the kidney, This paper aimed to discuss the histological aspect of renal cellular change …
chronik Kidney Disease is a situation in which both of our kidney are unable to perform their main functions; in addition, kidney disease is categorized as the disease that does not have clear symptoms especially on its first stadium which continuously goes on and for many years (Erik Tapan , 2004) Commonly, chronic kidney disease patients tend to criticize themselves; hence inability pessimist…
Penyakit ginjal kronik didefinisikan berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya kerusakan ginjal dan tingkat fungsi individu dengan gagal ginjal kronik, tingkatannya ditentukn dengan tingkat GFR, yaitu esmakin parah tingkatannya maka bilai GFR semakin rendah. Dari sudut pandang klinis gagal ginjal masalah utama dan senus, dimana terjadi retensi substansi nitrogen, seperti urea dan creatinin yang merupakan t…
Paliasa leaves used to be a traditional medicine for hepatic/ lever disease, so need to maintain the secure & health from the user of this medicine, the aim of the research is to find the dafa of ub chronic toxicity from 70% alcohol extract paliasa leaves for experimental mice. The research use amount 30 of 40 months whitemale mice wistar strain, which have weight in average (SD) about 208,75±…
A Comprehensive care is a care wich’s given a whole care include biopsiho\social andspiritual. This time care services still focusing in only biologic rather than psychologic problem. It is little treatment for the the psychologic rather than psychologic problem. It is little treatment for the psychologic problems even be ignored. This is little treatment for the psychologic problems even be …
Gagal ginjal kronik (GGK) ialah kehilangan fungsi ginjal progresif dan irevesbel mulai tahap ringan sampai gagal ginjal tahap akhir. Diagnosis dini GGK pada anak sering sulit ditegakkan karena presentasi klinis awal bervariasi dan tidak spesifik. Diagnosis dan pengobatan konservatif sejak awal penyakit dapat memperlambat progresifitas penyakit dan penggunaan pengobatan pengganti ginjal. Melacak…