ABSTRACT The processed liquid waste from hospitals, prior to be safely discharged into water bodies, has to fulfill several requirements. One of these is phosphate concentration of the waste water must below 3 mg/l. The exceeding phosphate level, in long term can affect human health and the en¬vironment. Since it was known that the phosphate concentration at the outlet of the hospital's WWT…
This research was experimental analytic research with the pre-post test only Control Group Design aimed to deSign Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) development using PVC pipe media to decrease ammonium and BOD level. While the specific purposes are: 1) designing Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) development; 2) measuring ammonium and BOD level of leather waste after processed by RBC, 4) a…
This research was analytic research with cross sectional design aimed to identify relationship between staff healthy behavior and hospital solid medical waste management in Surabaya. Population was all staff involved in hospital solid medical waste management including medical staff, paramedic, and non medic staff related with solid medical waste management from room with high and very high ris…
Activities at Timbul Roso Restaurant generate not only useful product but also causing negative impacts such as liquid waste which is potential to harm people’s health and pollute the environment if it is not adequately processed. The preliminary survey results on the liquid waste revealed that the BOD and TSS concentration were 538 mg/l and 470.50 mg/l respectively, or had not yet fulfi…
Pinastik (Pipa Tunas Septik or horizontally septic pipe) is sppropriate technnology to treatment wastewater on small scale. Pinastik made from 6” PVC pipe designed by prof. Ir. Hardjoso Pr. From UGM Yogyakarta. This tecnology give more adventage on domestic wastewater treatment but still showing low efficiency on removing organic matter (only 11.88%). Organic matter correlated with solids on …