Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gaki, Sikap Dan Praktek Dengan Kualitas Garam Beriodium di Rumah Tangga (Relationships between Mother's Level of Knowledge about IDD, Attitudes and Practices with Iodized Salt Quality in Household )
The use of iodized salt for prevention programs of iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) was still facing many obstacles. Poor quality of iodized salt and non iodized salt was still circulating in the market. The level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers on IDD prevention can influence both selection and purchase of standardized iodized salt which in turn will affect the supply of iodine at household level. T
his research was conducted in District Pakis of Magelang regency with cross sectional design. Samples of eligible women aged between 18-45 years were selected at random. The level of knowledge was measured using a structured questionnaire. Attitudes were measured using the statement of attitude scale. Iodine content in salt was measured using the iodometric method. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships between the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices on the quality of iodized salt consumed in the household.
The results of this study indicate that there is no relationships between the level of knowledge and attitudes to the quality of household iodized salt. Good level of knowledge obtained from the study subjects only simple knowledge of the term and how prevent IDD use iodized salt instead of how to perform the selection of iodized salt by iodine content in the salt test. The level of a good knowledge of IDD not guarantee a salt containing iodine consumption according to standard INT. This happens because there are still many low quality iodized salt and non iodized salt sold in the market.
Keywords: iodized salt, practice, attitude, level of knowledge.
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