Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan Pengobatan Komplementer Alternatif Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perijinan Tenaga Kesehatan Praktek Pengobatan Komplementer Alternatif Akupuntur (Study on Policy Implementation of Alternative Complementary Medicine And The Impact of Licensing of Health Workers Practice Acupuncture)
Background: Alternative complementary health service by health workers is one of the alternative treatment that can contribute to improve the health of adults and is much in demand by the public. Implementation of complementary alternative medicine based on MOH regulation No. 1109/MOHI 2007. Assessment of complementary alternative medicine policy implementation and its impact on the licensing of health workers was conducted to determine the impact on the implementation and licensing of health workers who practice complementary alternative medicine.
Methods; The assessment was based on qualitative approach in 3 provinces: Bali (Denpasarand Tabanan), West Java (Bandung and Bandung District) and Central Java (Semarang and Kendal). The data collected by in depth interview and round table discussion (A TO). Health workers who perform complementary alternative care, SDK Head of Provincial Health Office and District/ City as well as associations or professional organizations as informations resources. Data analysing was done by triangulasi and content analysis.
Results: The results shown MOH regulation no. 1109 in the year 2007, interpreted differently by provincial Health Office. In the most provinces have not even been implemented. The professional organizations did not have any college to assess the competence of its members, health personnel licensing requirements more difficult than traditional healers. In addition, many professional organizations which have not been officially recognized standards of competence and have not had, and still there are associations that have not been accredited. So that the recommendations given in the framework of the licensing of health workers accountable difficult.
Recomendation: Minister Regulation No. 1076 of 2003 needs to be revised to be able to distinguish clearly the competence and authority of traditional healers and health workers who practice acupuncture. In addition, people can easily distinguish the difference between traditional healer and complementary alternatives, including the capabilities of both.
Key words: Alternative Complementary Medicine, Impact of health workers licensing, practice of acupuncture
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