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The Act of The Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1996 on Food mentioned that every label and or advertisement concerning food to be sold must mention information concerning the food correctly and not misleading. The government shall regulate, supervise and the measure which are needed, in order that an advertisement concerning food which is sold does not contain information which may be mislead…
Many problems arose in the cosmetics advertisements such as excessive claims, lack of distribution licence, disapproved advertisements, and unclear authority of National and Province. In the area of policy and regulation there is unclear which is the local and central government authority in controlling the advertisements. In order to protect the consumers against cosmetics that does not meet t…
ABSTRACT Background: Alternative complementary health service by health workers is one of the alternative treatment that can contribute to improve the health of adults and is much in demand by the public. Implementation of complementary alternative medicine based on MOH regulation No. 1109/MOHI 2007. Assessment of complementary alternative medicine policy implementation and its impact on the…
Background: Act Number 36 of 2009 on Health states that the government has the responsibility to regulate the planning, procurement, empowerment, and control/ing of the quality of health workers in performing health care in lndonesia. Meanwhile the Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009 requires that the practice of pharmacy must be done by pharmacist and one of the health facilities conduetin…
Background: Neonatal mortality is the death of an infant who is born alive within 7 days after birth (early neonatal mortality/perinatal), and the death of a baby born alive more than 7 days until approximately 29 days (advanced neonatal mortality). Neonatal deaths (infants aged 28 days) is two thirds of infant mortality, whereas early neonatal mortality/perinatal (infant age of 7) days is two …
Background: Advertising control of medicine and traditional medicine was based on the Decree of the Minister of Healthof Indonesia Number 386/Menkes/SK/IV/ 1994 about advertising guidelines medicine, traditional medicine, cosmetics, medical devices and foods. The purpose of the study are (1) to identify regulations related to the advertising of medicine and traditional medicine, (2) to identify…