Pengaruh Promosi Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Filariasis (Effect of Health Promotion to Community Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Filariasis)
Background: The aims of Nariasis elimination was to reduce the number of microfilariae (microfilaria rate/Mf rate) in district/city to 1%. Coverage of the population who need to take medication on Nariasis MDA activity is >85% of the target population. The objective of this studywas to improve the coverage mass treatment through the public health promotion activities.
Methods: The study design was quasi-experimental, ie to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the population before and after filarisis health promotion activity. Number of people had interviewed were 117 respondents.
Results: The level of knowledge of respondents with a high category of filariasis increased after health promotion activity from 30.8% to 59.8%. The proportion of respondents with both categories attitude towards filariasis prevention activities increased after health promotion activity from 624% to 79.5%. The behavior of the respondents taking medication increased from 70.1% after health promotion to 88.9%.
Conclusions: Health promotion has proven to improve the knowledge, attitudes and compliance in the treatment of filariasis community (p
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