ABSTRACT: Background: The aims of Nariasis elimination was to reduce the number of microfilariae (microfilaria rate/Mf rate) in district/city to 1%. Coverage of the population who need to take medication on Nariasis MDA activity is >85% of the target population. The objective of this studywas to improve the coverage mass treatment through the public health promotion activities. Me…
Penularan penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Salah satu faktor yang telah diketahui memiliki asosiasi dengan malaria adalah topograf wilayah yang erat hubungannya dengan pola penularan. Berdasarkan tempat atau lokasi terhadap penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor maka perlu diperhatikan pembagian zoogeografi dimana jenis-jenis nyamuk di setiap lokasi akan dipen…
Filariasis (elephantiasis) still become a problem of health in Indonesia. There are area with acute and chronic patient. According to the report from result survey in the year 2000, there are 1.553 village in working area of 647 care health center spread in 231 Regency of 26 Province as location which endemic, with amount of chronic case 6.233 people. Result of laboratory survey, through inspe…