Manajemen Logistik Obat Antiretroviral Di Indonesia (Logistic Management of Antiretrovirals In Indonesia)
Background: The escalation of HIV-AIDS epidemic needs a comprehensive control efforts including the treatment stage. ARV is inevitably needed to control the development of HIV-AIDS infection. The availability and accessibility of ARV is crucial to reach the successful treatment Objective: To identify the implementation of logistic management process in the central levet Methods: Conducting in depth interviews with informants from AIDS and Infectious Disease sub division of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention end Control-Moll, Directorate General Pharmacy and Medical Devices, tip-ATM. and PT Kimia Farma as the manufacturerof ARV in Indonesia. Data was collected in Jakarta during May-August 2011.
Result: Source of fund procurement of ARV drugs in Indonesia comes from the national budget and Global Fund. Kimia Farma is the only national manufacture of 5-drugs rids line of ARV, while second line ARV is import include raw materials of ARVs. Logistics management consists of planning, procurement and storage, and distribution.
Conclusion: Logistic management of ARV in the central level has run in accordance to drug logistic cycle. Unfortunately, most raw active materials and final second line of AR Vs product were still being imported. The government has planned an exit strategy to reduce the dependency on the donor funding. he report and coordination process among the government, PT Kimia Farma and end user (hospitals) has not worked well and synchronized. Recommendation: The government have to encourage the local pharmaceutical industries to be able to produce ARV, especially the second line. All related stakeholders should enhance good coordination through periodic monitoring and evaluation in ARV distribution process and human resources capability in reporting mechanism.
Key words: Management, logistic, Antiretroviral
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