Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009 on Pharmacy Practice states that pharmacy staff is those who practice pharmacy, namely pharmacists and technical pharmacy staff. According to chapter 2, dispensing of prescription drugs, among others in primary health center (PHC), must be done by a pharmacist. The availability of pharmacy staff relating to PHC characteristics and pharmacy practice is sti…
Antiretroviral (ARV) is the drug to reduce varemia and enhances CD4+ level. ARV cannot cure HIV-AIDS but it increases the life expectancy of people living with HIV-AIDS (PLHA). ARV is a lifetime treatment that needs a high adherence. The meaning of ARV which vulnerable to low adherence is related to stigma and discrimination. It is also related to the changing of life pattern in which taking AR…
Adherence to ARV (antiretroviral) was aimed to siginificantly prolong the life expectancy of people living with HIV AIDS (PLHIV). ARVs fight against the infection by slowing down the reproduction of HIV in human body. This research aimed to identify the internal and external factors that support adherence to ARV therapy. This research was a qualitative research conducted in Bandung and Cima…
Jumlah penderita HIV di Indonesia hingga Juni 2012 mencapai 86.762 orang dan untuk penderita AIDS 32.103 orang. Secara nasional, provinsi Jawa Barat termasuk salah satu dari 5 provinsi dengan kasus HIV-AIDS tertinggi di Indonesia. Mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan ODHA dalam mengkonsumsi obat ARV dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung ODHA dalam hal minum obat ARV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode…