Pengaruh BDNF dan Neurotrophin Receptor pada Derajat Hidrosefalus Kongenital Pasca Ventrikulo Peritoneal Shunt (The Effect of BDNF and Neurotrophin Receptor in Congenital Hidracephalus Severity after Ventriculo Peritoneal Shunt)
Elevated Intracranial pressure (ICP)due to hydrocephalus (HCP)causes some thinning in cerebral mantle and increasing of Evan's ratio (ER). Apoptosis and neuronal degeneration play an important role in this pathological change. The Evan's ratio improvement after Ventrikulo-Peritonea! Shunt (V-P Shunt) insertion in congenital hydrocephalus is uncertain, Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor(BDNF)and their receptors are predicted responsible factors.
This research aimed to reveal the influence of WAIF, solubleTyrosine Kinase B (sTrkB)and soluble P75 neurotrophin receptor (sP75NTR level on Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) toward Evan's ratio of congenital hydrocephalus post V-P Shunt. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected from 22 infants with hydrocephalus during V-P Shunt insertion, and 12 hours, 24 hours 3 months after surgery. The BDNF, sTrKB and sP75NTR were measured and analyzed using ELISA technique. Grading HCP is performed using Evan's ratio from head CT before and 3 months after surgery. Data analysis showed that delta of Evan's ratio in congenital HCP patient correlated positively with preoperative level of BDNF and correlated negatively with preoperative level of sTrkB. The delta Evan's ratio 3 month after V-P Shunt is influenced negatively by delta of BDNF and sP75NTRand positively by delta of sTrkB 3 month following V-P Shunt. The preoperative level of BDNF and sTrKB may represent an adaptive response of the brain due to elevated ICP in hydrocephalic patient. Their levels are correlated with HCP severity. The elevated post operative level of BDNF, sTrKB and sP75NTR. contribute to Evan's ratio improvement.
Keywords: BDNF, congenital hydrocephalus, P75 , TrK8
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