Depresi Pasca-Stroke: Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana (Post Stroke Depression: diagnosis and management)
Post stroke depression (PSD) Is one of stroce complications with prevalence of 9-60%. Theories of pathophysiology involved: the hypothesis of Infarct location, infarct size vascular depression, biochemical neuronal factor such as hypothesis of neurotransmitter, immune dysfunction. ypothaiarilc-pltultary-adrenal axis activation and reurogenesis nypothesis. Diagnosis is based on DSM IVTR using diagnostic screening tools. Screening diagnose of depression that is used: Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2, PHQ 9, geriatric depression scale, hospital anxiety and depression scale, stroke aphasia depress'on quetionnnaire-10, aphasia deoression rating scale, visual analog mood scale (VAMS). Teatment consist of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods.
Keyword: post stroke depression mood
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