KRAS and BRAF Mutation in Borderline Epithelial Type Ovarian Tumor Mutasi KRAS dan BRAF pada Tumor Ovarium Tipe Epitel Borderline
Objective: To understand the molecular profile by identifying the mutation of KRAS and BRAF in borderline type ovarian tumor.
Method: In the study, we examined paraffin tissue sample from De¬partment of Pathology Anatomy, University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkususmo Hospital, Jakarta, that was diagnosed as borderline epithelial ovarian tumor. Seventeen samples were taken to Sandya Laboratory in Bandung for examination of PCR BRAF exon 15 codon 600, and KRAS in exon 2 codon 12 and 13, as well as exon 3 codon 61.
Result: Mutation of KRAS occurred in 94% of subjects (serous bor¬derline 62.5%, mucinous bordeline 37.5%), of which 70.6% muta¬tion happened in exon 2 codon 12 (serous borderline 33.3%, muci¬nous borderline 66.7%), 52.9% mutation in exon 2 codon 13 (serous borderline 33.3%, mucinous borderline 66.7%), and 76.5% muta¬tion in exon 3 codon 61 (serous borderline 30.8%, mucinous border¬line 69.2%). Mutation of BRAF occurred only in 47% of subjects, but the results of Exact Fisher test showed that mutation in BRAF gave significant result, while other variables did not give significant result (p=0.009).
Conclusion: Molecular pathology in borderline ovarian tumor re¬lated with BRAF mutation is more likely to occur in serous border¬line type, while KRAS mutation is more likely to occur in mucinous borderline type. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 37-2: 107-12]
Keywords: borderline ovarian tumor, BRAF, KRAS
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