Gambaran Status Kesehatan Penduduk di Daerah Perbatasan (Overview of Population and Health Status in the Border Region)
The border region is a regional / geographic region associated with neighboring countries, with people living in this region united by ties of socio-economic and socio-cultural scope of a particular administrative region after an agreement between states that border. Community health status can be known of the status or disease morbidity, mortality or death status of the population or the nutritional status of residents in the community. The health status of people living in border regions is expected to remain very low when compared with other regions. Based on the data, Riskesdas 2007, data SUSENAS 2007, and data Podes 2008, doing research to find out the picture of the health status of populations in border areas. This review is expected to be used by policy makers and the improvement of data base that affect the health status of people residing in border areas. Total Samples 19 district border area. Sample population living in border areas in 19 district : district Natuna, district Kupang, TTU, Belu, Sambas, Sanggau, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Bengkayang, Kutai Barat, Malinau, Nunukan, Kep. Talaud, North Halmahera, Jayapura, Merauke, Pegunungan Bintang, Boven Digoel and Keerom. Nutritional status of children of weight for age (27.1%), height for age (4'3.5%) and weight for height (16.2%) and this condition is still high compared with other regions. Complete immunization coverage (44.2%) and neonatal visits to health care workers (KN1: 40% and KN2: 23.5%) were still low when compared with other regions. The scope of delivery by trained health aides (48%) is still very low when compared with other regions. Instead exclusive breastfeeding (45.1%) better than other regions. Coverage of Ante Natal Care (K1: 76.1%) is quite high compared to other regions. The prevalence of infectious diseases / communicable still high in the Border region from other regions. The prevalence of non-communicable diseases including mental disorders in the areas most Disadvantaged from other regions. The prevalence of underweight in adults is quite high compared to other regions. While the prevalence of overweight and obesity is still_ low compared with other regions. Environmental health status is poor / low (household access to clean water: 48.6%, household access latrine: 29.9%, density of occupancy: 75.9%, and the ground floor: 83.1%) when compared with other regions . In the border areas, the ratio of doctors (17.4/100 000 population) below average, and the ratio of dentists (4.8/100 000 population), manteri ratio of health personnel (55.6/100 000 population) above average, even midwife ratio (76.4/100 000 population) is more than twice the national average, but still does not reach the target INA 2010, 100/100, 000. May be required as follows: more specific policies are needed to improve the health of people living in border areas (DTPK), need special attention to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases. Nevertheless, the construction of health institutions in each region/city or hospital or border health center. Policies should be specialized in health workers and even a doctor to the border area.
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