Background: In rural Timor Community (also in East Nusa Tenggara other area), have a common tradition that is heating of women (mother) vital area with smoke inside traditional house within 40 days after postpartum that called Sei. Almost all people in Timor community do this tradition earnestly and this tradition have passed down from generation to generation by all people include and do not v…
The border region is a regional / geographic region associated with neighboring countries, with people living in this region united by ties of socio-economic and socio-cultural scope of a particular administrative region after an agreement between states that border. Community health status can be known of the status or disease morbidity, mortality or death status of the population or the nutri…
Mother and child health local area monitoring system "Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat-Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak" (PWS-KIA) as a mean of management KIA's program to observe KIA program services continually with scope at a work area. Registration in Tangerang district and PWS-KIA recording reporting system were well conducted, but still not yet applied accordingly as the system. This research aimed to d…