Penggunaan Garam Beriodium Rumah Tangga Di Desa Ngabean Kecamatan Secang (Using of lodized Salt on The Family in Ngabean Village of Secang Subdistrict)
lodized salt program have obstacles from the level of salt producers to the community level. The current situation shows the number of circulating non-iodine salt on the market. There still many households do not consume good quality of iodized saft. The purpose of this study obtain in-depth information about the knowledge and behavior of housewives the selection, storage and use of iodized salt, including the supporting and inhibiting factors.
Research will be conducted in the District Kajoran, Magelang, Central Java. The study involved 28 informants consisting of 24 housewives, 2 village head men, 1 public figure, 1 midwife and 1 salt seller. Data was collected through Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation, and interviews. Informants recognize and know what type of iodized saft. Informants choose iodized salt because of the label, it's white and clean. Society has stored the saft in a closed jar, to avoid damage from wet by water, and placed away from the stove. The informant did not know how to add iodized salt during cooking. The use of iodized saft to cook based on habits and experience. Price is not an influence factor in the decision of buying iodized salt informant to buy saft. Stalls provide iodized salt to the society and they are not aware of any local regulation on iodized saft. The availability of iodized salt standards (30-80 ppml in each stall will ensure the availability of iodized salt in the household.
Keywords : Saft lodization, households.
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