Peran Dan Potensi Kader Kesehatan Dalam Kegiatan Deteksi Dini Dan Pemantauan Garam Beriodium Di Kabupaten Temanggung (Lay Health Worker Roles and Potencies in lodine Deficiency Disorders Early Detection Program and lodized Salt Monitoring in Temanggung –Regency)
Consumption of iodized salt is one of the efforts to control lodine Oeficiency Oisorders (100). Supervision for the use of iodized salt needs to be monitored to observe what kind of saft consumed by people. Early 100 detection activities for infants aged 0-3 months is also an important activity to be done because the earlier 100 ca se found in children, the more likely the child can grow normally Early 100 detection and salt usage monitoring activity are carried out by trained lay health workers (LHWs) in Temanggung. This study identifies the problems faced by the LHWs during the implementation of early 100 detection and monitoring activities of iodized salt usage. It is a Qualitative research method using focus group discussionlFGO with 10 LHWs involved and conducted in Temanggung Regency.
The results analyzed in the form of descriptive narrative. One of the problem faced by LHWs was the difficulty in interpreting medical terms of early 100 detection in the instrument used. Another problem is the the participants' sense of inferiority when they have to meet with parents who have higher education. Sense of inferiority made the participants to be hesitant and less confident to examine the baby Participants' reliance on midwives is quite high to conduct early 100 deteciion. Conelusion: Lay health worker play an important role in supporting 100 control program and has the potential to be empowered. Skills and confidence of LHWs still needs to be improved.
Keywords: Lay health worker, iodized saft, early detection, infant screening.
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