The lodine Deiiciency Disorder (IDD) problems correlated with food in take. Not like sugar or protein, human body cannot produce iodine. Human get iodine from the outside of his body, naturally through the absorption of iodine content. in the foods and drinks. Therefore, someone who had IDD should consume food with high iodine content and reduce consumption of foods with goitrogenic. On the oth…
Consumption of iodized salt is one of the efforts to control lodine Oeficiency Oisorders (100). Supervision for the use of iodized salt needs to be monitored to observe what kind of saft consumed by people. Early 100 detection activities for infants aged 0-3 months is also an important activity to be done because the earlier 100 ca se found in children, the more likely the child can grow normal…
Intellectual deficit in children living in 100 endemic areas were not caused by single factor of iodine deficiency. Educational level, decrease of mental development related to 100, and lack ofcognitive stimulation also contributed to impaired cognitive development in children. This study was aimed to explore perception and practice of parenting based cognitive stimulation for children living i…