Pola Asuh Makan Pada Anak Penderita Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Wonosobo {Feeding Care Practise in Children with lodine Deficiency Disorders (Case Study in Wonosobo District)}
The lodine Deiiciency Disorder (IDD) problems correlated with food in take. Not like sugar or protein, human body cannot produce iodine. Human get iodine from the outside of his body, naturally through the absorption of iodine content. in the foods and drinks. Therefore, someone who had IDD should consume food with high iodine content and reduce consumption of foods with goitrogenic. On the other hand, feeding practice correlate with local custom that has been formed since childhood. A children with 100, still depend on their parents daily feeding practices. The purpose of this study was to identify the feeding care practices in children with IDD. Methods of data collection were indepth interviews, observation, and Food Frequency Questionaire (FFQ). Indepth interviews was held to know about the mother's knowledge about IDD. The observation was also held to know the feeding practices of families giving to the children with IDD. Food Frequency Questionaire (FFQ) interviews also held to know the consumption of goitrogenic in children with IDD. The results showed that feeding care practice in the family with the IDD children due to the food availability,the parents knowledge about IDD and also the parents awareness to fulfilled the nutrition for the children with IDD
Keywords: Feeding care practice, children, IDD.
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