Perbedaan Pemberian Ekstrak Herbal (Daun Salam, Jintan Hitam dan Dauu Seledri) dengan Allopurinol terhadap Kadar IL-6 dan TNF-α Serum Penderita Hiperurisemia (Effect of herbal extract (Indonesian 8ay-leaf, blackseed and celery herba) on hyperuricaemic serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α compared to allopurinol)
Background : Hyperuricaemia stimulated pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-a, IL-1 and IL-6They stimulate leucocyte adhesion to monosodium urate deposition area and multiply inflamatory response. Indonesian Bay-Ieaf (Eugenia polyantha), celery (Apium graveolens) and blackseed (Nigella sativa) had known decrease inflammatory response. These plants are common in lndonesia but had not clinically studied yet in human. Objectives of the study was to determine whether herbal extract formula lowering uric acid may decrease IL-6 and TNF-a serum levels of hyperuricemia patients compared to allopurinol. Methods : The study was a randomized double-blind clinical trial (ReT}, conducted in February-December 2007. Subjects were hyperuricemia patients aged > 18 years in the outpatient clinic /inpatient internal medicine and geriatrics wards Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Subjects were divided into treatment and control groups. IL-6 and TNF-a serum levels was examined by ELlSA before and after4 weeks of treatment.
Results : Subjects were 22 herbal and 22 allopurinol groups. The mean levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were 214.58 pg/dl and 231.8 pg/dl respectively, whereas allopurinol groups were 43.2pg/dl and 32.6 pg/dl. After treatment IL-6 and TNF-αmean levels of herbal groups were 192.15 pg/dl and 32.9 pg /dl, whereas allopurinol groups were 203.8 pg/dl and 29.5 pg/dl. IL-6 and TNF-a mean delta levels of herbal extract groups were -22.43 pg/dl and 10.3 pg/dl, whereas allopurinol groups were -27.9 pg/dl (p 0.887) and 3.10 pg/dl (p0.439).
Conclusion : Herbal Extracts lowering uric acid may decrease IL-6 and TNF-α levels serum patientsW5ith hyperuricemia, but it was not significantly different compared to allopurinol.
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