Olahraga Kesehatan (Healthty Exercise)
At the moment people tend not to have time for exercise because of the busyness and all-round modern lifestyles, such as using a motor vehicle more often compared to walking or cycling, using the elevator in the building. As well as the majority of cardiologists who treat patients heart attacks with jogging under the supervision can reduce heart attack, the heart make vessels colIaterais thus these patients will get better. In exercise make insulin sensitivity increased, leading to decreased levels of glucose plasma, it's useful to lower the patient's blood sugar levels diabetes mellitus.
There are two kind of exercises, one is sport performance and the other is healthy exercise. Sport perfomance is for the athelete and healthy exercice is for every body who wants get physical fitness. Goal from healthy exercise is person who exercises can get good physical fitness. For getting that the individu must have three factors from nine factors physical fitness, there are endurance, muscIe strength and flexibility.
Key words: Healthy excercise, Physical fitness.
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