ABSTRACT In a developed country such as United State of America, obesities are increasing from year to year due to large increment in food intake and less physical activities done. In coopera¬tion with those statements, a study was done in 26 mechanical engineering students of Tarumanagara University academic year 2010 — 2011. The study shows that 2 students are obese (8%), 6 students are o…
At the moment people tend not to have time for exercise because of the busyness and all-round modern lifestyles, such as using a motor vehicle more often compared to walking or cycling, using the elevator in the building. As well as the majority of cardiologists who treat patients heart attacks with jogging under the supervision can reduce heart attack, the heart make vessels colIaterais thus t…
Oxygen is a very usefull substance for human life, and is needed' for human metabolism, energy development, and for repairing the damaged tissue in human body. Water are also important for human beings. It is essential as neutralizing agent, It also can act as a eatalyzator in the body to solve food and can assist the body to absorb food as nutrients. Water is able too for eliminating waste pro…