Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Sistem Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat - Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak oleh Bidan di Desa di Puskesmas Sepatan Kabupaten Tangerang 2008 (Registration and PWS-KIA's System Reporting by Medwife at Village at Puskesmas Setapan Tengerang District 2008)
Mother and child health local area monitoring system "Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat-Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak" (PWS-KIA) as a mean of management KIA's program to observe KIA program services continually with scope at a work area. Registration in Tangerang district and PWS-KIA recording reporting system were well conducted, but still not yet applied accordingly as the system. This research aimed to determine village midwive ("bides") practices towards registration and PWS-KIA recording reporting system. The benefits of the study were evidenced data supporting policy and intervention to decrease maternal and child mortality rate ("angka kematian anak-AKA"). The respondents consists of village midwives, midwives coordinators at Puskesmas and heads of Puskesmas. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted for village midwives, while indepth interview for the midwives coordinators and heads of puskesmas. The results showed that informans, midwives, were aged 22-37 years old, diploma 1 (D1) in midwifery and not official/permanent workers "bukan pegawai negeri sipil/PNS". Reason that village midwives were lazy or not doing the registration and PWS-KIA recording reporting because too many registration/reporting should be conducted by the village midwives. There was no kohort form for pregnant women, there as no kohort form for babies, and under five, "kesehatan ibu dan anak"-KIA's bookand mother's "kartu menuju sehat"-KMS and also there is no children under five, Other forms must be boughyt or copied by village midwieves themselves. Midwives usially discussed among themselves at Puskesmas and made the report together with the guidance of widwife coordinator. Midwife working divices were very limited. It is recommended that the Puskesmas or district public health services should provide registration forms and PWS-KIA report forms.
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