Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Bidan dalam Mengisi Kartu Ibu Hamil
: This research was done at local clinic in Blitar city. By 33 midwifes as the sample and so the population. We use software SPSS the similar double linear regreation. We want observe the in influence of haracteristic (age, education, the long job), knowledge and attitude for midwife behaviour in filling the mother’s card. The double linear regreation analisys recognizes that attitude is the biggest influence
variable for midwife behaviour in filling the mother’s card. The fact showsus that regreation koefisien 0,592 point. Whereas the variable influence the midwife behavior are; age = 0,075, education = 0,053,
long job = 0,111, knowledge = 0,141.This yield prove us that attitude is the most important thing to change midwife behaviour for increasing the function of report and rationing and the poduct of service activity.
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