An Explorative Study of Immunoreactive-Neurophysin Cells in Adrenal Cortex Gland of the Albino Rats Using an Immunoperoxidase Method (Studi Eksploratif Sel Imunoreaktif terhadap Neurofisin pada Korteks Kelenjar Adrenal Tikus Putih dengan Menggunakan Metode Imunoperoksidase)
The objective of this study was to explore whether the vasopressin and oxytocin hormones were synthetized in the adrenal cortex gland cells, via theirs precursor molecules phase, neurophysin, by using one of immunoperoxidase staining methods. Twenty adult albino rats of the Lembaga Makanan Rakyat strain (LMR), weighting between 150-250 g were used in this investigation, and divided into two groups. The first group consisting of 10 adult albino rats, without any treatment and were killed by decapitation and microscopic slides of the adrenal cortex were stained by immunoperoxidase staining methods, using rabbit anti-human neurophysin as primary antibody and Labelled Strept-Avidin-Biotin kits. The second group, consisting of 10 adult albino rats were given five-day consecutively water fasting treatment and after killed by decapitation microscopic slides of the adrenal cortex were stained also by immunoperoxidase staining methods as mentioned above. The results revealed that the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex gland gave a positive reaction (brown reaction). The brown reaction suggested that the vasopressin and oxytocin hormones were syntheized in these adrenal cortex gland, via their molecule-precursor phase, neurophysin.
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