Pengaruh Minuman Beroksigen terhadap Waktu Pemulihan setelah Berolahraga dengan Sepeda Ergocycle Monark (The Influence of Oxygenated Water in Recovery Time After Cycling with Monark Ergocycle)
Oxygen is a very usefull substance for human life, and is needed' for human metabolism, energy development, and for repairing the damaged tissue in human body. Water are also important for human beings. It is essential as neutralizing agent, It also can act as a eatalyzator in the body to solve food and can assist the body to absorb food as nutrients. Water is able too for eliminating waste product of body metabolism, so the human body will still be fresh and healthy. With the advantaged technology, the molecule of oxygen is bounded to plain water molecule, and is packed in high pressured cans. By this method a high oxygen value until 80 ppm (8 mg oxygen per 100 g water). An experiment was conducted 40 students of the Medical Faculty of Tarumanagara University, Jakarta as sample, 20 of whom were given oxygenated water after cycling with Monark Ergocycle (experimented group) and the other 20 students were given plain water (controle group). Simple medical instruments were used, i.e. Monark Ergocycle, Electrocardiograph, Sphygnomanometer, Stop watch and the Pulse-Oxymeter. The result of this experiment is supporting our hypothesis that oxygenated water can lesser the recovery time after doing sport.
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