Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) terhadap Parameter AUC dan Cmaks Ibuprofen yang Diberikan secra Oral pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar (The Effect of Oral Administration of Grape Juice on The Parameter AUC and Cmax of ibuprofen on The Male Mice of Wistar Line)
Using of multiple drug therapy could cause interaction. Based on the study of Curcuma xanthoryza,which it contains curcumin that it could inhibit cytochrom P-450 CYP1A 1, CYP1A2 and CYP4A It is used as herbal medicine which is safe to be used for anti inflammation. This research is aimed at finding the effect of the herbal on AUC and Cmax ibuprofen on male mice, where the both compound are metabolized cythocrom enzyme P-450 CYP1A 1, CYP1A2 and CYP4A, at equally but with different mechanism. By in vitro trial, the correlation coefficient was found from calibration of ibuprofen in plasma 0,9992 at wavelength 263 nm with the limit of detection (LOO) 84 jig/ml and limit of lowest quantity (LLOO) 21 jig/ml. In vivo application with the use of Wistar line mice with body weight of 180-200 grams, which are devided into 2 groups, 5 mice each group. Control group was given ibuprofen suspension, where then their blood were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240, 300 and 420 minutes. The treated group were given Vitis vinivera L. juice for 3 days, and then after 3 days the test animal were given ibuprofen suspension at the dose 14,4 mg/200 grams body weight. The results showed the decreasing of AUC 18,34%, Cmax 1,50% also the change of Tmax is lower 30 minutes compared to control. Statistically it showed that there is no significant difference with the value of probability of AUC 0, 09 and of Cmax 0,532.
Key word: curcumin, ibuprofen, AUC, Cmax
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