Uji Apoptosis Ppada Epitel Gingiva Akibat Paparan Toksin Bakteri Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans Serotype B (Apoptosis Test in Gingival Epithelium Induced by Toxin Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans Serotype-B)
Antinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans serotype b has long been associated with localized aggresive poriodontitis secreted protein toxin that inhibits the proliteration of wide variety of cell typesEucariotic cells that are sensitive to the toxin are usually arrested at the GO/GI or G2/M phase ofthe growth cycle through the action of a DNA-se 1-like nuclese that causes double stand breaks in the host cell DNA Gingival apithelial cell exquasitely sentive to the toxin 50 that may lead to disruption of the protective barrier forrmed, facilitating invastion and perturbation of the underlying connective tissue. To investigated apoptosis in gingival epithelium induced toxin Aa serotype b with Tunnel Assay method. Thirty adulf mice strain Swiss Webster (balb C) were divided randomly into three groups control group (group A), toxin group (group B) The mice were secrificed at 24 hours after aplication and then the tissue sections of gingival epthelium were stained with. Tunnel assay. Treatment with there toxin induced apoptosis of gingival apithelium was associated with DNA fragmentation. Toxin bacteria Aa serotype b induced apoptosis in gingival apithelium.
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