Perbedaan Angka Kejadian Fistel Uretrokutan pada Penggunaan Kateter Uretra dan Kateter Suprapubik dengan stent Setelah Operasi Hipospadia
To study the rate of urethrocutaneous fistule formation associated with the use of an indwelling catheter with stent hypospadias repair. Twenty patients with primary hypospadias of penile shaft and posterior type underwent reconstruction with an onlay technique by a single operator. For urinary deviation in 10 patients a urethral catheter was used, while in the remainder a silicone suprapublic catheter with stent was used. Seven urethocutaneous fistula were observed (35%) with four fistulas in the group with suprapublic catheter and sten, and 3 in the group with urethral catheter. Fisher exact test value was 0,001 with a significanse level of 1,000 (p>0,05). There was no difference in the rate of uretrocutaneous fistula development with the use of urethral or suprapublic catheter after hypospadias repair.
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