Hubungan antara Derajat intravesical Prostatic Protrussion dengan Q Max, Volume Prostat, dan International Prostate Symptom Score pada Pasien BPH dengan Luts tanpa Komplikasi
LUTS is a syndrome of BOO which marked by obstructive and irritable symptoms. The ball valve mechanism in bladder neck results in an increase of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO). The aim of this study is to prove the relation of intravesical prostatic protruson (IPP) with prostate volume, Q max, and international prostate symptom score (IPSS) in non complicated BPHLUTUS patients. This study is an observational analysis involving 85 male patients aged 50 to 91 years old. Consecutively, strating from November 2007 until April 2008 IPSS evaluation, prostate measurement, uroflowmetry examination, and IPP examination with transbdominal ultrasonography (TAUS) were applied to all patients. Calculation shows the increase of IPP degree followed by the decrease of Q max, where the Spearman rank correlation indicates r=-0,465 with p=0,001 (smaller than 0,05), which shows a relation between IPP and Q max. In the Spearman rank correaltion, with the IPP degree increasing followed by IPSS value increasing indicates r=0,456 r=0,456 and p=0,001, which is smaller than 0,05. Also it shows the increase of IPP followed by prostate volume increasing, with r=0,230 and p=0m034 being lower than 0,05 in the Spearman rank correlation. This study shows a connection between IPP degree and Q max, where the higher IPP degree relates to a lower Q max value. The higher IPP degree relates to a bigger IPPS value, and thehigher IPP degree the bigger prostate volume was measured.
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