The Effect of Cooked Carrots (Daucus carota) Extract through the Consentration of Beta Caroten in Serum and Liver of Rat (Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Wortel (Daucus carota L) yang Telah Dimasak terhadap Kandungan Beta-Karoten Serum dan Hati Tikus)
Among the vegetables rich in Beta-corotene are carrots. Beta-carotene besides as provitamine A, recently were also known as antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic. Beta-carotene is unstable, easily oxidized by air, stimulated by light and heating. No report, whether consuming cooked carrots can increase the concentration of Beta-carotene in the serum and liver. The purpose of the present study was to determine the concentration of Beta-carotene in the serum and liver of rats treated by the extract of Beta-carotene of 100 g of preheated carrots at 60 degree, 80 degree, 100 degree C and time of heating 10, 15, 20, 25 minutes respectively. The concentration of Beta-carotene in the serum and rat's liver were determined spectrometrically according to Neeld
Pearson method. In conclusion, the results of this investigation suggest the higher and the longer the time of heating of carrots, the lower the concentration of Beta-carotene in the serum and liver. The concentration of Beta-carotene in the serum and rat's liver were undetectable, when rats treated by the extract of Beta-carotene of preheated carrots at 100 degree C and time of heating longer than 15 minutes.
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