Acute Hepatitis Virus in Pregnant Women (Hepatitis Virus Akut pada Wanita Hamil)
Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of jaundice in pregnant women, although pregnant women do not appear to be at increased risk of acquring hepatitis compared with the general population. Fifty eight women with acute icteric hepatitis during pregnancy were followed for evidence of their pregnancy and viral transmission to their infants. Twenty six cases had the anset of illness in the first trimester : 11 had hepatitis A, 9 hepatitis B, 3 hepatitis E. Out of them one case death due to hepatitis E infection, and five cases had abortion. Twelve cases had viral hepatitis infection in the second trimester. They : hepatitis A 5, hepatitis B 4, heatitis C one, and hepatitis E 2 cases. One case death due to hepatitis E infection. Twenty cases had the onset of hepatitis in the third trimester : 9 had hepatitis A, 7 hepatitis B, and 4 had hepatitis E. All cases with hepatitis E were died, and four cases had premature birth. One infant born to mother with acute hepatitis A during pregnancy did not saw clinical or laboratory sign of hepatitis. Five infants born to a mother with acute hepatitis B during third trimester of pregnancy developed HBsAg B positive between 12-16 weeks of age, and one infant developed acute icteric hepatitis. The data suggest that hepatitis E is more severe in pregnant women with high mortality rate, especially in the third trimester.
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