Delayed gastric emptying known as gastroparesis is a form of autonomic neuropathy, a complication of diabetes mellitus. This delay may lead to a discrepancy between intestinal food absorption and insulin or oral and diabetes drugs action. Thus it can cause difficulty in controlling a blood glucose level. In determining the existence of a delayed gastric emptying we cannot depend only the clinic…
Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of jaundice in pregnant women, although pregnant women do not appear to be at increased risk of acquring hepatitis compared with the general population. Fifty eight women with acute icteric hepatitis during pregnancy were followed for evidence of their pregnancy and viral transmission to their infants. Twenty six cases had the anset of illness in the fir…
In six years nine cases with jaundice in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, have been found seven had intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) or obstetric cholestasis of hepatosis of pregnancy, and two had suspecious acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP). The age range from 19 to 27 years, with a mean age of 23.1 years old. Seven cases with ICP had a chief symptoms of pruritus partcularly at n…
Fifty patients entered into a prospective clinical trial comparing the efficacy of sandostatin, and pituitary extract in controlling acute variceal haemorrhage. All patients were hospitalized in Hasan Sadikin and St. Borromeus Hospital, Bandung from March until December 1993. Endoscopic were performed to confirmed the diagnosis before medical treatment. Group I, 25 patients were treated with pi…
Cursil is a phytopharmacal drug contains; 10 mg Curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica extraxtum sicc, 20 mg oleum xanthorrhizae from Curcuma xanthorrhiza extractum sicc. and 35 mg Silymarin from Silybium marianum extractum sicc., have been shown to exhibit significant anti-hepatotoxic actions and improved the liver function significant anti-hepatotoxic actions and improved the liver fuction tested…