Theistic Evolution Versus Textual School of Quranic Exegesis on the Emergence of Species
Discord between both classical and modern theory of evaluation and the textual school of Quranic exegesis has become an incessant battle of no ending. The first pole regard the creation of universe is subject to merely natural law mechanism. Universe has no beginning and no ending since matter can be transformed to energy can be converted to matter. They totally reject the role of God in the whole process. They also believe that living being was created through generatio spontanea and specieses emerge by evolutionary way through natural selection and genetic endowment mechanism. The textual school of Quranic exegesis rejects totally the view of the evolutionist proponent. Only God has no beginning and no ending but universe does. All living and non-living being were created individually by God and no relation between them whatsoever. The theistic evolutionists agree with textual school of Quranic exegesis that universe has beginning and ending and before that only God exists. God the Almighty created universe and all its content stagewisely or evolutionally. He created living and non-living being by sunnatullah or kauniyah law or popularly known as natural law. These law acting as the hand of God in the formation of all objects of the sky including specieses on earth. Specieses were formed evolutionally through mechanism of natural selection and genetic endowment but that can only take place by the will of God the Omnipotence.
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