Bucalle is regarded as the one who succeded to assure Muslim commonly all over the world that the Quran as divine revealation is logical and rational while the Bible in some of its content are illogical and irrational. This approach later becoming thighly popular and adopted as a new thought called Bucaillism. The new is meucourages Muslim scholars to scrutineze all verses in the Quran that pos…
In early years of its development, anatomisis usually payed their attention to descriptive anatomy where topography, form and structure of organs are their main concern. These can be studied by dissection of dead human body. Since doctors had to face living being, anatomists later moved their attention to the functional aspect of organ and system. This studies later developed to be functional a…
Discord between both classical and modern theory of evaluation and the textual school of Quranic exegesis has become an incessant battle of no ending. The first pole regard the creation of universe is subject to merely natural law mechanism. Universe has no beginning and no ending since matter can be transformed to energy can be converted to matter. They totally reject the role of God in the wh…