Paracetamol Release from Ethylcellulose Matrix (Pelepasan Parasetamol dari Matriks Etilselulosa)
One of the means to prepare a controlled release dosage from is by using cellulose derivatives matrix. In this study paracetamol and ethylcellulose were used as a model compound and matrix substance, respectively. Paracetamol release was performed in a buffer phosphate medium pH 7.0 and the temperature was kept constant at 37 degree C. Results showed that paracetamol relase from ethylcellulose matrix was in a controlled manner and it had a linear relationship with time. The more ethylcellulose in the matrix the slower the rate of paracetamol release from it. Rate of paracetamol release from formula I was 0.673 mg/minute and from formula II was 0.944 mg/minute.
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