Determinan Kejadian Katarak di Indonesia Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007 (Cataract Determinant in Indonesia, National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007)
Cataract is a lens apacity that causes problem on visual acuity. Sixteen percents of cataract blindness in Indonesia were suffered by productive-age people. The paper was to asses the role of cataract determinants in Indonesia. A descriptive analytic designed study was done using National Basic Health Research 2007 data, with 433.402 samples aged 30 years and above in Indonesia. Cataract was diagnosed based on interview, due to history of had been diagnosed as cataract by the health profession and/or had cataract symptoms on the one last year period. The important cataract determinants were age and glaucoma, followed by diabetes mellitus (DM), occupation, education, sex, type of area, alcohol consumption, smoking, fruits and vegetables consumption, individual vitamin A consumption, and households expenditure. (p
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